Zeta Club 1971
Reunion Dunblane Hydro April 15-17th 2011
Friday 15th April 2011
- Arrival at hotel. The hotel will have their conference reservation system available from 10a.m. at the Conference Suite. There is a separate entrance to this from the car park at the rear of the hotel, or you can approach it by turning right from the main entrance at the reception desk.
Access to rooms is guaranteed from 4.00p.m., but luggage can be stored if necessary at the conference Reception.
- Golf will be available at Dunblane Golf Club. Special discount price £25 pp per round. Tee off times from 12.00. Contact Billy McNeil (click here) for more details.
- 19.00 pre dinner drinks reception, featuring specially created Zeta Cocktail, in the Strathmore suite.
- 19.30 Buffet Dinner, Strathmore suite - free seating.
Saturday 16th April 2011
07.00-10.30 Breakfast in the Kailyard restaurant.
11.00 – 12.30 Following breakfast on Saturday there will be an erudite scientific session. We have 9 "volunteers" lined up with suitably academic presentations*.
Lunch on Saturday is up to individuals to arrange and the cost is not included in the weekend package.
Saturday afternoon will be “free time” and a variety of activities will be available. Details will be on display from the Friday. On special offer, a treat organised by Peter Richards - click here for more info. Put your name on the list for your preferred activity and hopefully we can arrange shared transport where necessary. Or, you can just do your own thing.
Saturday evening – 18.15 team photo. 18.30 pre dinner drinks reception in the Stuart Lounge.
19.30 Formal dinner (black tie for gents, cocktail dresses for ladies, (or vice versa?), seating plan), Strathmore suite, followed by a few words from our Final Year President, Larry Ferguson.
In response to popular demand, the seating plan will be arranged as it was at the "Troon" reunion, i.e. a chart with the available tables will be on display from the Friday and you can add your names to your preferred table.
Musical entertainment to follow – ceilidh dancing and ‘70s music.
End of function 01.00. * Suitable for a bunch of Zetans recovering from the night before.
Sunday 17th April 2011