Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Celididh Dancing Revisited

Glasgow Style

Message from Peter Richards
There are at least 3 couple who can scottish country dance. I thought I would get Kay to write a dance "40ip" or "zeta club" or somesuch and we could do it at the dinner on saturday evening during the celeidh. 

If you want to look as good as this, join in the practice session which will be held on the Saturday afternoon - if there is enough interest.  Proposed programme:

Celididh Dancing Revisited - Glasgow Style
Strip the Willow  4.45mins
Eightsome Reel   8mins
Duke of Perth 4.27
+ new  Dance "Zeta Jig"  easy or sl. more involved depending on the participants  2.30mins
Sign up after you arrive at the hotel: it promises to be great fun!
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