Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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 Dora Cossar (née Cleland)


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After house jobs in Glasgow I trained in Anaesthetics at the Western Infirmary and the Southern General Hospital, being appointed to a part-time Consultant Post in Neuroanaesthesia in 1983. Following my ‘turn’ as Department Chairman, I took over educational responsibility for our anaesthetic trainees, becoming the Department’s first College Tutor.  I very much enjoyed my clinical work, but not the admin!  I have not looked back since I retired in 2008.
Personal Details
Jon and I married in 1970 when I was in final year and he a JHO.  Two beautiful daughters eventually came along, Anna in ’82 and Frances in ’85.  After graduating in Law, Anna joined the civil service.  She married Michael Ross in 2008, three weeks after I retired.  Frances graduated from LSE with a 1st in Maths and Economics and SOAS with a Masters in African Economics.  She worked for the Rwandan Government for 2 years and is currently with the World Bank in Washington DC. Retirement is wonderful.  I enjoy my home and garden and have become more involved with our church being ordained as an elder in 2010.

Hobbies include walking, bridge, curling and travelling to distant parts - USA, Egypt, India and Rwanda to name but a few (the gorillas were amazing!).  When we can, we also enjoy relaxing at our chalet on the banks of Loch Lomond, but don’t seem to have enough spare time!


Dora Family photo September 2010
Submitted 18/3/11
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