Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Anne B Colquhoun


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Did self construct GP training after pre registration jobs and became trainee in 4 man practice in x-steelworks town (Kilbirnie, N Ayrshire). Stayed on as part time partner (the male partners decided that a female was useful after all!) and took opportunity to go full time 12 years later. Became First Trainer and Senior Partner in 2000 and have enjoyed career most of all in past 10 years with training and practice developments. We have had trainees since 1974 (when I joined) all of whom have been successful in their careers. That is a lot of new doctors! Was on GP Sub-committee Ayrshire and Arran Health Board for 13 years and have spoken at several conferences and became GP Appraiser in December 2008. In August 2010 I went part time and now work 1 week on and 1 week off, sharing the job with one of our previous trainees.
Personal Details
Married to Douglas since July 1969 and still together. We have built up a 300 acre stock farm in Renfrewshire over the years and gradually developed the old farm buildings into what will hopefully become a good retirement asset. Had Ruby wedding anniversary 2009 and bought a yacht (guess what- called ‘Ruby’!) – a floating caravan as one friend put it! I participated in the Glasgow ‘women’s 10k’ from 2004 to 2008 so still reasonably mobile!

We have a son, Ewen, and daughter Iona, and daughter in law Keeley and 2 lovely grandchildren, Isla and Thomas. Ewen is a Director with Blackberry and Iona is an Architect with her own property business. We like to get away for the odd foreign holiday to brush up on our sailing skills and satisfy our cultural appetites!


Anne at her 60th birthday in 2008
From left: Ewen, Iona, Douglas, Keeley and Anne
Submitted 13/3/11


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