Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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David Cree

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After a brief stint trying ophthalmology, I decided that all day and night in the dark was not for me and moved to  GP in North Berwick with sandy beaches etc. Then family practice in Prestonpans, Gateshead and finally at the instigation of Alec Cunningham, joining his practice in 1981 in Caledonia, Ontario, Canada. I was only allowed into the country at that time if I consented to work a little on the local Indian Reserve! Following Alec's sudden death in 1988, things fell apart and I moved to Hamilton, Ontario starting another practice from scratch. Psychotherapy became my passion and since 2000 I have really been doing a form of psychiatry with an interest in long term treatment of Dissociative Disorders aka multiple personality. No plans for retirement.  I enjoy medical politics and championed the establishment of publicly funded psychotherapy provision and a leader in what is now being called "focussed practice" i.e. subspecialties in family medicine.
Personal Details
Married to nurse Elaine at time of graduation and father of George now aged 38 and a research psychologist with 2 grandkids, Jolynne aged 8 and Keana aged 3. Also begat Lynne now aged 35, social worker with no offspring.

We all now live in Canada since 1981 and only returned to UK in 2000 for a halloween wedding of a niece. Alas, amicable divorce from Elaine in 2008 with significant other now Irene, a Child Protection social worker, who has a similar outlook on life. I don't take my health for granted and I now at 63 understand the need for daily visits to the gym. Happily my health holds. I have a keen interest in tropical fish which gobbles up my cash.


Rainforest Café Photo Lynne, Jolynne, Mum, Dad, and Keana
Submitted 10/1/11
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