Alex Cunningham was part of a gang of 5, Alastair
Aitken, David Cree, George Davidson, and Robert Cumming. A Rhodes Scholar and
school captain, Alex was the kind of sickening person who was good at
everything he turned his hand to and he wasn’t afraid to tackle anything new. Alex
emigrated to Canada in 1974. After starting out in neurosurgery, he couldn’t
hack the hospital politics and made the move to general practice in Caledonia,
a one traffic light town adjacent to Six Nations Indian Reserve, Hamilton, Ontario.
A dynamic personality, he enlarged the only clinic in the town from four to
eight doctors. One bright summer Sunday in 1988 he was on the point of
reviewing the plans for a major renovation, when he was found on the clinic
steps, dead of a heart attack – just like his father. He is survived only by
his wife Joan, who never remarried but works in an insurance office in
Hamilton, Ontario.
Submitted by David Cree 22/3/11