Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Michael Di Paola


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After house jobs in Glasgow - 1year pathology and 1year surgery Vict.Inf.  Then North Glasgow Surgical Rotation.  Fellowship 1976. Started ortho. training '77.  Initially Vict.I. then Western I. with 1 year in between as MRC Research Fellow Spinal Surgery.  Appointed Consultant in General Orthopaedic Surgery/Trauma, Inverclyde Royal, Greenock, 1985. Usual add-ons. Clinical Director, Hosp Lead Consultant, Hospital Sub-Dean.  Also Private Practice and Medicolegal Reporting Practice, Ross Hall Hospital. Retired from Inverclyde and Private Practice, April 2009. Lured back to work New Victoria in Glasgow for about a year. Now fully retired clinical practice but still doing the odd medical report at Ross Hall.
Personal Details

Married Anne Travers (A&E Sister) 1973. 4 Children. Emma, Ex RBS, lives in Seamill with partner Ewanie (Wedding's in August) and their 2 Kids - Catriona,4 and Ewan, almost 2. We're typical doting grandparents. Giulia, also in Seamill, is a home/special needs carer with an agency.  She's a great help with Chris. Peter - one time barman, potato peeler, cook but still bass player in a rock band is now back home - studying Hospitality Management.  Christopher has always been at home.  Physical disabilities require 24 hour care. We get some help. He attends a day centre. He can use a P.C., Wii and X-Box. Football daft.  I take him regularly to Morton and Celtic.
My Hobbies- Grandchildren, Curling (reasonable), golf (erratic), gardening (the voracious village deer appreciate) and Food (cooking and eating). Such is life - little scope for travel.  The odd mini-break.  A cruise would be the Ferry to Millport.


Michael Michael with family
Submitted 31/1/11
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