Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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David Franklin
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After House jobs in Lanarkshire I emigrated for some years to Israel and specialised in Public Health, Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine in the Upper Galillee (old style MOH). Then briefly in Dorset in the same fields and latterly in Marvellous Melbourne where I am now retired.
Personal Details

With the above have moved about a fair bit and counting Glasgow have sort of had three different and varied lives .

I have four children, three from my first marriage to Hana who died in 1995. Gali 1975 mother to only (so far) grandchild in London. Zak 1977 owns and trains racehorses in Auckland NZ. Rimon 1984 a pilot with Qantas.  And Tim 1998, still at school, from my second marriage to Mary who practices Alternative Medical disciplines here in Oz .


Historical biography, Walking by the Bay, Opera, Alternative therapies and Volunteer tourist guiding.

David and his family
Submitted 3/2/11
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