Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Eric Freedlander
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After graduating, the year after most of you lot - I was one of the bright ones! - house jobs in Glasgow then off to Australia and New Zealand for two great years (general practice, obstetrics, anaesthetics) before back to dear old Glasgow for 1 year pathology before West of Scotland Surgical Training Scheme.  As a student I'd been fascinated by plastic surgery while in Toronto so specialised in that.  After what seemed like 100 years finally became a consultant in 1989 in Sheffield where I am still working.  Plan to retire next year.  Had very interesting trip to Bosnia during the war in 1993 with Médecins sans Frontières operating on wounded soldiers.  In early years as consultant did quite a lot of research and was invited to look at a job in Melbourne running the State Burns Unit.  Often wonder why I didn’t take it!  Have just completed my year as President of my national specialty association and so am quite happy to slowly wind down now.
Personal Details
Managed to stay single till 1980 when I met and married Tina, nursing sister, when working in Salisbury.  Still happily married.  3 sons- Timothy (28), Christopher (27) and Andrew (17). Timothy is in the RAF training as an Aerospace Systems Operator (Air Traffic Control plus more to you and me). Christopher works in RBS in London (you’ve heard of bankers’ bonuses!) and Andrew still at boarding school (that’s why Dad is still working!)  Christopher married a lovely Chinese girl (English name Stacie) in 2009 and we had a fascinating wedding in deepest rural China (apart from the chicken feet the food was great!)  Andrew is the sportsman- football, rugby, tennis, cricket.  Am still playing tennis (I’ve just looked at the year book quote), although Tina doesn’t play as much now.  We love walking together, drinking wine and travelling.
Tina & Eric in China
Christopher, Tina and Andrew
SUbmitted 20/3/11
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