Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Margaret Browning (Née Gibb)
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Towards the end of our pre-registration year, in June 1972, Neil and I got married. Then after my SHO jobs in Obs.& Gynae and Dermatology, the first of our 3 children, Jacqui, was born on August 1st 1973.[ Igot the DRCOG while 6 months pregnant]

We moved from Glasgow to Kilmarnock, and between babies I did assorted FPA clinics, Child Health clinics for Ayrshire & Arran Health Board, and the odd GP locum

On moving to Northallerton in 1980, another lady & I approached one of the 2 General Practices in the town with a view to becoming part-time Trainees. They had never employed a female doctor----how much has changed in 30years!  They turned us down-------more because we wanted to job-share than because of gender, I suspect. It took several more years before their first female GP joined them.

 Plan B was to consolidate existing experience, so I became a Family Planning Trainer and completed a Community Child Health Diploma in Leeds. Over the years I worked in the Community, in Baby clinics, in Schools and in Family Planning clinics, becoming a SCMO in 1987. Eventually, in 1993 , I became the Family Planning Lead for Northallerton District. I still do 2 or 3 clinics per month, and enjoy the contact with colleagues and patients, though I plan to stop for good in August------40 years in the NHS is long enough! I have no regrets about the course my career has taken---plenty of job satisfaction, great variety, and wonderful countryside to drive through to work.

Personal Details
We became Grandparents in 2005, and now have 4 grandchildren, ranging in age from nearly 6 years to 5months----2 in America and 2 in Harrogate. Some of our dwindling energy now has to be conserved for visiting and playing with them!

Hobbies and Interests; Scottish Country Dancing, walking,  playing Bridge for fun,  trying to play golf.

Some voluntary work for local Mental Health Charities and Rethink.

Travels;  Twice a year to Boston, Massachusetts, to see Andrew & Lydia and boys. Doune, Perthshire, where Mum still lives.  Dunoon, Argyll,--we bought a flat there in 2010.  We did manage to visit St Petersburg in 2000, and New Zealand & Japan in 2001,when son Andrew was travelling the world and working in those places. Also had a 60th birthday trip to South Africa which we both enjoyed.

We think about planning trips to far flung places, but don’t seem to get any further these days.

On the beach - Islay
Submitted 26/3/11
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