Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Jane Hockings (néeDenholm)
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After graduating I did some hospital jobs in Chelmsford before joining my father's practice in Witham, Essex. I then moved to Dundee where my husband Neil was on a medical rotation at Ninewells. We stayed there for six years. I did general practice part time while bringing up the children. Next was Glasgow again when Neil went as SR at Stobhill and I worked for the Deputising Service. We moved to Louth in Lincolnshire in 1985 where Neil had a consultant post. I worked part time in General Practice again and also did A&E. We escaped the UK NHS in 1995 when Neil went to work at Nobles Hospital on the Isle of Man. We have been there ever since. I work half time in General Practice plus sessions in GUM and Hospice.
Personal Details
I married, while still a student, Neil who at that time was in the Merchant Navy. He later went on to study Medicine in London and become an Consultant Physician. We had three children. James who was a student for a long time but is now an Actuary in London, Hamish who is a Chartered Accountant and last but not least Wendy who is a GP and new mother in Norwich.
Wedding photo
Submitted 2/1/11
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