Geir Hoff
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Went to Norway, missed UK professionally –
was nearly moving back – met Sissel and decided not to. 1986: Ph.D. on
colorectal cancer screening and prevention. Qualified gastroenterologist. Wrote
some children’s books, but the publishers would not have them – only the kids,
so I went back to writing science. 1990-7: Head of Dept. of Medicine, Telemark
Hospital. Since 1998: Hardly any clinics – nearly all research work. 2002:
Appointed professor at Univ of Oslo (first external professor at UiO – connected
to job in Telemark). 2005-6: Head of Registry-based research, Cancer Registry
of Norway. We intended to move to Oslo when our youngest finished school, but decided
to stick to Telemak. 2006: Head of Hospital Research, Telemark. Present: Dividing
my work between Telemark Hospital, UiO and Cancer Registry of Norway. Retirement?
Next reunion, perhaps - got 7 mill Euros in grants for on-going research and
building up a dream-team. Cannot quit then, can I? |
Personal Details
Story goes: Guy(r) misses Scotland – Guy(r)
meets Sissel – Guy(r) does not miss Scotland. We have 3 kids, Eivind (working with environmental issues in Brussels,
getting married to Monia (French) in the summer), Erik (Ph.D. engineering
working with R&D in an international firm, married with two children and
living, of all places, in Skien – lucky us) and Ingrid (enjoying 5th
yr of medicine at Univ of Oslo). Considering
retirement when I am down with a flu’ like now. We are coping well with the
ordinary and some extraordinary ageing and health ailments, feeling young at
heart. I am still rowing, swimming, running and practicing the saxophone, but
have an increasing liking for gardening. |
S&G Fjellvannet |