Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Sandy Johnstone


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After house jobs in the Victoria Inf. and Stirling Royal, I did 6 months Obs/Gyn also at Stirling. I went into General Practice thereafter (1973) in Cumbernauld and continued there in the same practice until I retired in April,2009. I was involved in ad-min.- e.g. Fundholding and the Local Health Care Co-operative. I did a bit of Occupational Health Medicine.  I thoroughly enjoyed my time in General Practice but delighted to be now retired.
Personal Details
I married Carol Judge a surgical ward sister in Stobhill in 1973- still married!  We have no family. We love France- the country, the food et le vin rouge. We go there most years for a holiday. We have a "but and ben" at the Carrick, Loch Lomond where we frequently spend some time. I am still a golf fanatic with membership at The Carrick, Killermont and Glasgow Gailes. I play as often as my bad back allows!  I study French at Alliance Francaise and for my sins I am a keen supporter of Partick Thistle.
Sandy & Carol
Submitted 16/3/11
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