Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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David Johnston


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1973 - 1976: Training - Vocational Training Dumfries.

1977 - 1981: Anaesthetic Rotation - Glasgow Hospitals.

1981 - 1982: World Tour - Worked at Broken Hill Hospital, New SouthWales, Australia. Nearest help - Adelaide . . . 400 miles away!

1983: Married Sandra who is now Senior Partner in her GP Practice in Dunoon.

I joined a Group GP Practice in Dunoon in 1983 and as anaesthetist at Dunoon General Hospital until 15 years later the single handed surgeon was not replaced.  I then became Locality Clinical Director.

Personal Details
We have two daughters - Alison (22) studies Primary Education at Strathclyde University and Valerie (21) studying Nursing at Glasgow University.
I had a CVA in 2005 and retired.
Current interests include digital photography, regular swimming and greenhouse gardening.  We enjoy regular holidays abroad with recent trips to the Caribbean, African Safari and India.


David Recent Family Photo
Submitted 22/2/11


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