Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Mike Law


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House jobs at Knightswood/ Western ( who was the resident who had to type his case-notes ? ; stand up , Dr.Peterkin ) then Stobhill ( surgery, obs/gyn). Royal Air Force (GP) for 5 yrs ( Lincolnshire, SHAPE ( Belgium) then Leuchars). I had been on a cadetship since Nov 68 ; where did you think the new, red Simca 1100 came from? . GP in Dalry,  Ayrshire from late 77 to Nov 08 with an interlude Sep 02--Mar 04 when I was, intermittently, a rural GP locum in New Zealand ( “ retirement is so good that he did it twice”).
Personal Details
Married Sally ( a pharmacist) in 1969 and still married I am glad to say. Four children: Tony (40), producer , BBC Scotland, Glasgow; Naomi ( 38), archaeologist, mother, part-time office manager, Brecon; Andrew ( 34)  chemistry graduate, IT graduate but now in retail management, Northampton; Joanna (28), GP registrar in Arbroath (and married Grant in Oct 09), Montrose. Three grand-children, courtesy of Naomi (and Crispin); Lois 13, Helen 12 and Robin 7.

We both began running in 1984. High: 1987 Glasgow marathon in 2hrs58mins. Low: beaten by Sally in fell-race 2007(excuse: organising/marshalling another fell-race for many hours on previous day; real reason: not being fit enough). Regular competitors in trail races in Lake District where one has been first over-60 more times than I can remember and the other has been second and third over-60 on 2 occasions ( “Well, the male running scene is much more competitive”).

Other interests: food, wine, visiting Andalucia, cycling ( Highlands, Islands, Danube). Genealogy --both of us.


On Torrecilla, Andalusia
Joanna's wedding (morning after): Grant, Joanna, Sally, self, Helen, Tony, Naomi, Lois, Andrew, Crispin, Robin.
Submitted 21/2/11
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