Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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 Eoin D MacCallum
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Joanne and I moved to her birthplace in N. Ontario in 1975.  I joined a GP group and for many years was involved in obstetrics and inpatient care.  I continue to provide comprehensive care in the office setting with Jo as my head nurse. (Her current mating call is “Fire me”).  I presided over the development of our ‘one stop’ medical centre which houses over the 30 physicians covering many specialties.  We have a large regional lab, cardiac lab, pharmacy and most imaging services……all covered by our Provincial Plan.  We find this a great way to provide service.
Worked for 15 years to help rationalize our crazy hospital system and finally became the founding President of the Medical Staff of a new single site, single governance hospital (Sudbury Regional Hospital...HSRH).  More recently sat on a very successful committee to raise bursary funds for students at our new medical school (Northern Ontario School of Medicine).
Personal Details
We live in the “Land of Lakes” so we enjoy living by the water, kayaking, canoeing and fishing…especially fly-in trips to remote lakes.  We play a lot of tennis at our “bubble” (Sudbury Igloo Tennis Club!).  We have always travelled regularly to ski but in recent years Florida and the Caribbean appear to have more pull.  Last week I did have 6 glorious days of skiing with friends at Silver Star in the Okanagan region and we were rewarded with snow every day and 15 cm powder for our final day.
We have 3 children and 4 grandchildren.  Carol and Jason have 3 wonderful and busy kids in Oakville near Toronto.  This is Jo’s second home!  Duncan…bank manager…has a 4 year old son Tomiyasu, by his former wife.  Tomi lives in Chiba-Ken near Tokyo with his mom.  Jo and Duncan are going to visit soon.  This was all planned before the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster and is even more important now.  Leann is a manager of her own HR Dept. with the Provincial Government.  She still has incredible skill at twisting her father around her little finger and is attempting to extend this to her boyfriend!
Retirement in exactly one year….Grandchildren, tennis, skiing, the great outdoors and no “on-call”.  Sounds blissful.
Himself & Hamish*
Carol, Kate, Joanne & Emily
Submitted 8/4/11
*Stupid name for a dog! - Ed.
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