Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Harriet Ferriss (née MacDonald)
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After the intern year I married and went to Boston, U.S.A   for 2 years, then back to Glasgow for 2 years   and then in 1976   I came to live in Cork, Ireland. I did General Practice for 6 years   and   then became more involved in doing Family Planning Clinic sessions as it was more suited to family life. I am still working part-time.

Personal Details
I married Barry Ferriss in 1971.   He is also a doctor and is Irish - hence our move to Ireland.  We have a daughter, two sons and 3 grandchildren with another due in June 2011. Hobbies:   Golf and Bridge.  We have spent a lot of our holidays going from Cork to Ross-shire to see my relatives and play golf.
Submitted 20/3/11
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