Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Ian MacLeod


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After both resident house jobs in Western Infirmary, I entered the West of Scotland surgical training scheme which I left at the end of 1978.I moved to department of surgery in GRI in 1979 to spend nearly 4years in full time research investigating the role of lasers in GI haemorrhage.  After completing this work, I changed specialties and entered West of Scotland Radiology training scheme again based in GRI. I became a consultant Radiologist at Stobhill Hospital in May 1988 and had 22 wonderful years working in a close knit department in a patient friendly environment. In addition to day to day duties, I was closely involved in planning the Ambulatory Care Hospital Radiology Department in Stobhill. I also chaired Scottish PACS reference group for 8 years. I retired on 1st August 2010.
Personal Details
I married Helen Jackson a GP. We have 3 children, Jennifer John and Kenneth and 3 grandchildren, Heather, Fraser and Rory.  I am continuing my long standing love of hill-walking and amateur photography. I am slowly regaining my ability to push a pram.

Photo from Helen's Reunion 2010 (Delta Club 75)
Ian with John and Grandson Rory born 7/1/11
Submitted 21/2/11

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