Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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 Alisdair MacDonald


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After a variety of House jobs in the Western,Queen Mothers and Sick Kids I became a Trainee at Mosspark in Glasgow, moving to my first Practice in Sanquhar in 1975. I then had the good fortune to join Gordon Peterkin in Forfar in 1980, retiring in 2007 after a most entertaining time, inspired by my GP and hospital colleagues but most of all by my patients.
Personal Details

I married Sister Sandra Wallace in1974 and  we have three children.  Claire 34 a Saltire Fellow in the States, Fiona 32, a Police Officer in Family Protection Unit in Dundee and Bruce32, computing in NHS and After School club work in Edinburgh.

I retired from shinty in 1981 and was seduced away from fly fishing to golf shortly after.  I still enjoy running, hill walking and sailing, up in Plockton.  I am Captain-Elect of Panmure Golf Club and a member of The R&A, so golf obviously takes up a fair amount of my time.

Photo taken at Amalfi 2010
Family photo taken Christmas 2009
Submitted 14/1/11
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