Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Douglas McCruden
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After training in General Medicine, Diabetes and Endocrinology at the Western and Royal Infirmaries, Glasgow, I was appointed Consultant Physician at the Vale of Leven Hospital in 1986. I thoroughly enjoyed both the friendly social environment and the clinical challenges associated with the hospital’s geographical position and its small size. I had some involvement in clinical management but contact with patients was more rewarding. The Vale’s size was eventually accepted as being against the preservation of a full General Medicine service and retirement became attractive when the full reduction in the service became imminent. After a further 5 months covering my post as a locum, I stopped clinical work completely in September 2009 and moved to Cardiff where Liz is working. I have still been examining in PACES, but I think the time may have come to stop doing this too.
Personal Details
Liz & I married in 1973 and have had 3 children. Andrew took a job as a Software Engineer in Manchester. Fiona combines Physiotherapy with a job with Navigators, a Christian organisation. Heather is an Architectural Assistant with W Dunbarton Council, accumulating experience towards Part Three of her Architecture degree. Sadly, Andrew died from a pulmonary embolism in 2007 at the age of 30 despite having no known risk factors other than long hours at a VDU. He is greatly missed by all the family and a large number of friends. Liz had been appointed to a Virology post in Cardiff and started there just before Andrew’s death. With much use of cheap flights over the next 29 months until I retired fully we only missed 2 or 3 weekends together. Current interests are hill walking and scrambling, skiing, cycling, tennis, bird watching and music.
Family Photo
Submitted 28/3/11
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