Personal Details
Callum and Graeme, the monozygotes born in 3rd
year, and Neil, born in 5th
year, all live within staggering
distance, working in engineering, police dog handling and construction respectively.
Three and a bit grandchildren never out of the house. Chaos theory becomes
chaos fact.
Still married to Jan but she doesn’t get complacent.
Medical degree has served me very well opening up lots of
exciting doors. Dangling from helicopters over the English Channel never fails
to stimulate the colon but I continue to decline the Coastguard offer to abseil
down the cliffs at Beachy Head.
Walking on to the stage of The Barbican to receive an RNLI
Gold Award from the the Duke of Kent was much scarier than a couple of near
capsizes experienced over the Beachy
Head ledge when the tidal race was racing untidily.
Life continues to be fun, as I hope it is for you.