Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Jim McKillop


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I became Muirhead Professor of Medicine at GRI in 1989. My clinical and research interests have been in acute medicine, nuclear medicine and medical education. I was Head of the Undergraduate School from 2000-06 then Deputy Dean of the Faculty. I've been a member of GMC Council since 2008 and chair the GMC UG Board. I feel very fortunate to have had such an enjoyable professional life.
Personal Details
We (Jim and Caroline) married in 1973 after our house jobs and have lived in the West End of Glasgow apart from a wonderful 2 years (1979 & 80) when we were at Stanford in California.
We have two daughters: Beth, born in 1977, became a consultant ophthalmologist in Glasgow last year. She’s married to Duncan Macdonald (son of Ewan and Pat) who’s just become eligible to apply for consultant jobs in Orthopaedics.
Jenny, born in 1981, is a solicitor working for a large law firm in Edinburgh. She married Paul Keenan, an aeronautical engineer with Rolls Royce, last December. Their home is just outside Newcastle.
We are in the lucky position of getting on well with our kids and of genuinely liking our sons in law!
Our leisure interests are in travel, art and music – there should be more time for these when I retire from the University later this year.
Jenny’s Wedding, 23rd December 2010
L to R: Duncan, Beth, Paul, Jenny, Caroline, Jim
Submitted 1/4/11

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