Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Billy McNeil


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After a brief foray in anaesthetics I was fortunate to spend a happy and rewarding career as a GP in Greenock, during which time a team of us piloted a very successful cooperative out of hours service based initially in our own practice and latterly, adopted and run from the Health Centre for many years until the retrograde step of NHS 24!
In addition to normal practice work we looked after the female prisoners prior to their relocation to Cornton Vale, provided industrial medicine at IBM and in the early days ran first aid classes at the shipyards – all very interesting and often entertaining.
However retirement beats it all and is every bit as rewarding.
Personal Details
Now one son is a fund manager, one is a partner in the practice from which I retired (and assured of eternal youth as ‘young doctor McNeil’) and daughter is a clinical nurse specialist in palliative care. All are happily married and fortunately for us still in Scotland.

I still enjoy going on ‘courses’ – any available of the golf variety – and Mary and I enjoy grandparenting, walking the dog, learning to play Bridge, meeting up with friends and travelling.

Billy and Mary
Submitted 14/31/11
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