Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Terry Nunn
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After training in Lanarkshire, Glasgow, Bristol and Trondheim, I was appointed Consultant Anaesthetist at Law Hospital in 1979.  In 2001, Law was replaced by the new hospital in Wishaw, and I was one of many who spent a lot of time on the planning and execution of that.  I was particularly involved in the design of the theatre suite and ITU/HDU. 

I realised early in my consultant career that the most difficult problems in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care were not clinical, but managerial and I became increasingly involved in ‘management’.  I was successively, Clinical Director, Hospital Medical Director and finally Divisional Medical Director. Having been a BMA loyalist on various committees for much of my career, it was interesting to see the issues from both sides.  I took early retirement in 2005, having had sufficient enjoyment for one lifetime from trying to reconcile the aspirations of the profession with political imperatives.  Since retiring, I’ve never had a day when I wished that I was back at work.


Still married to Elspeth. We got our ruby badges in 2009. Children Alasdair (36), Louise (32) and Andrew (27).  Both the boys are in IT in Newcastle and Aberdeen respectively.  Louise is a quantity surveyor, currently in Melbourne having previously been in Boston.  All have long-term partners, and Louise gets married to Dan this August.

Elspeth and I both still have our mothers – aged 96 and 89 respectively, and a fair bit of our time goes on their maintenance.  We’ve had a touring caravan for over 30 years (not the same one!) and we’re usually away in it for 10-12 weeks each year. When not doing that, we try to see other bits of the world.   In recent years, I’ve been tracing my ancestors and I’m a member of several family history societies.  Visiting the County Record Offices from Exeter to Norwich fits quite well with caravanning.  I have so far been blessed with good health – other than BP and BMI challenges.   Sadly, my piano playing hasn’t improved.


"Himself - November 2010" Terry & Elspeth
Submitted 11/2/11
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