Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Jocelyn Young (née Rentoul)

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I retired in August 2007 after a somewhat piecemeal part time "career." The experience gained from general medicine, dermatology and G U medicine (remember Black Street) served me well in my final choice of Occupational Medicine. I greatly enjoyed this speciality and was fortunate to work in an excellent team. I found the legal issues particularly interesting and occasionally wonder if I should have studied law.

Personal Details
Still very happily married to Richard. My main interests are cookery, making patchwork quilts and gardening. I find pottering about in my greenhouse listening to cricket on the radio very relaxing. Our 3 children have flown the nest and although all still in the UK we can rarely meet up all together because of their shift patterns. We seem to spend a lot of time visiting our grandchildren. Our oldest, Ramsay, married to Jenni, both police officers in Manchester. They have one son aged 3 and a daughter almost 2. Amy, an art school graduate, is currently a full time mother to a son aged 2 in Stornoway. She is trying to write and illustrate children`s books whilst "hatching" another baby in June. She and her husband Gary are counting the days until they return to city life and Sunday shopping. Lynsey, our late addition, is a nurse in Inverclyde Royal and keeps us updated on the changes in the NHS and hospital gossip.

We had hoped to do lots of foreign travel once we retired but alas Richard`s poor health has prevented that. Life is a bit of a challenge at times but just before the really nasty treatments started we managed a wonderful trip on a clipper ship sailing from Athens through the Suez Canal and Red Sea to Goa. We now cruise with " Callymac" to Stornoway.

 Jocelyn & Richard Family photo
Updated 1/4/11
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