After graduation, I married Kay Sutherland from the class and she has put up with my ADHD tendencies ever since. We were one of the last wave of medical migrants to Canada, completing our residencies in Vancouver. We started working in Gold River, a small pulp mill town on Vancouver Island. After 2 years of single handed rural practice, we left to look at the opportunities in Australia (too hot) and New Zealand (too far away). We opted to return to Vancouver (just right) and have lived and worked in Deep Cove, North Vancouver ever since. Happily, FP in Canada is relatively autonomous with a light regulatory touch and thankfully no targets to meet. I wouldn't have chosen another career. More recently, I have happily acquired a more recent Glasgow graduate as a partner. I still work a few days a week but am hoping to find someone to take over in the next year or so. So if anyone knows of any aspiring emigrants who want to practice in Canada, pass the info along.
I developed an interest in IT early on and I teach informatics to our UBC residents. In between all this, I nursed a small web based billing system for BC doctors into a bigger system which will keep me occupied in retirement.
Personal Details
We have 3 children. Neil, Blair and Virginia and now 1 grandson - you can find out about them under Kay's entry. For fun, Kay and I enjoy Scottish Country Dancing and hiking in our local North Shore Mountains. The only thing I haven't done enough of in my life is sailing, but I have remedied this somewhat by joining my twin sister on legs of her 2 world circumnavigations and am writing this as we cross the Gulf of Carpentaria. May I say that if someone ever asks you to sail between Fiji and Cairns, Australia - decline politely? |