Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Douglas Robertson
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After House jobs in the Southern General and the Western, I went into Clinical Biochemistry at Glasgow Royal Infirmary (combined with some general medicine in the first two years).  In 1978 I was appointed Consultant Biochemist at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness, which post I held until I retired in May 2007. Although based at the hospital, I liaised both with hospital staff and with the many GPs throughout the Highland area, although it proved more difficult to get frequently to Biochemistry or medical meetings in Central Scotland or further south. After coping with the usual stuff - Divisional reorganisations, moving the lab to a different building (twice), inspections, appraisals etc - I was ready enough to retire at 60!
Personal Details
Still single, but I've enjoyed living in the Highlands, and I did quite a lot of running until 2001 when I developed spinal stenosis (basically my shock absorbers went and the nerves issuing from my lower spine got trapped) but after an op I could live a fairly normal life again, but no running or strenuous hiking. Now that I'm retired I meet friends, I do some cycling and gentle walking, I play the piano (all fingers and thumbs - what else!) which I did in my teens but hardly at all during my medical career, and late in life I've done some yachting (not my yacht unfortunately). My brother John (LL.B Glasgow 1965) died in 2005 having had multiple sclerosis for many years.
Submitted 31/3/11
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