Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Henry Tudor                 
Personal Details
Married to Catherine, then Anne followed by Jane, a second Anne, and finally two Catherines (not simultaneously).  Had 14 children, two of whom have been of service to the state (i.e. served time), four have studied medicine and one actually qualified. Lost track of the remaining eight.  I have been a keen member of the North Uist Trainspotting  Society and an active member of the Free Aerial Rock Tracing Society (now in the “senior” section).  A keen sportsman, I won a gold medal for welly boot hurling at Moscow in 1980.
After graduating, I undertook training posts in the Outer Hebrides before being appointed to a consultant post in Urology with a special interest in primary intensive serial scanning of underdeveloped prostates.  As a result of my intensive research in this little known field I was awarded a personal chair by the University of Ilminster in 1985.  In 1994, I became Lord Wolfcleuchhead, courtesy of www.becomealord.msp.  Since taking early retiral (thanks to the GMC) in 2004, I have continued to give my time to serve my local health community as a CA*



A recent self portrait

The Tudor Family c2001

*closet attendant
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