Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Robin Souter
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1971 - 1972   House Jobs Stirling

1972 - 1977   RAF, Kinloss, Ely, Belfast, Halton, Maldives and Cosford.

                     A really enjoyable 5 years

1977 - 1978   Registrar Whitehaven

1978 - 1983   Lecturer Nuffield Dept of Surgery Oxford

1983 - 2007   Consultant Surgeon Milton Keynes. Green field site hospital and I was
                     involved in setting up general/breast/vascular and paediatric
                     surgery.  An exciting time!
2007 - now    Consultant Surgeon BMI Saxon Clinic and Ramsay ISTC Milton
Personal Details 
Anne and I married on 12th July 1971 just after we all graduated.  We have two great sons, Stuart now aged 34 who is a media lawyer working for the BBC and developing a music publishing house (Blackmaps) and Dr Andy, aged 31,  a Roman archaeologist, still pursuing the holy grail of academia.  We are both well but probably like most of the Zetas, have had our health scares over the years.  We are happy and living in Milton Keynes.  I fish/golf/paint and work 3 days a week in the local private hospital and ISTC.


         Us                         Andy              Stuart 

 Submitted 25/5/10
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