Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Gordon Stevenson
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Retired in 2007 after working for 32 years as a general practitioner in Alexandria by Loch Lomond.

Also worked   part-time in Health Care of Elderly at Vale of Leven Hospital and as a  police surgeon for Strathclyde Police. Did practice and police out of hours work until 3 years before  retiral, hence the reason I walk with a stoop.

Personal Details
Am fortunate to have married 2 wonderful women and have 4 sons. With my late wife, Morag I have Andrew and Stuart who are accountants working and living in Glasgow. Pamela and I recently celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary and we have Robert who is a nurse working in post-op. recovery at the Southern General, and Colin who is  in his  3rd  year of a  business degree at Glasgow University.

Retirement involves playing golf, pottering in house and garden and going on holiday to recover.


Gordon & Pamela - 25th Anniversary
The "Boys"
Submitted 20/2/11
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