Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Since 1977 I have worked as a GP in North Vancouver sharing the practice with a female partner in the same clinic but not WITH Peter - more than our marriage could stand!  I have been involved in  ctive hospital work, long-term care, palliative care, teaching Residents etc. I have cut back in the last few years and hope to work even less if I can find someone to take over my practice which is not so easy here. 

Highlights include being sent to conferences in Lisbon, Monte Carlo and Barcelona - nice if you live in Western Canada and it is October. Also, I have been able to observe humans of all shapes and sizes cope with adversity with grace and dignity as well as the dreaded repetitive moans.

Personal Details

I have been married to Peter Richards since 1972 and have three children (all grown up although sometimes I am not sure about Peter).

Neil (does something with computers) lives in London and has one son; Blair (excellent skier) lives in North Vancouver; Virginia (lawyer) lives in Vancouver.

I love hiking, snowshoeing in winter, gardening, Scottish Country Dancing and cooking. Achievements include having my garden featured in a magazine, gaining my Teacher's Certificate for Scottish Country Dancing and hiking close to the clouds.

It's time to retire!
Kay at Flower Market in Italy
"Call to the Bar" - daughter Virginia, myself and Peter
Submitted 9/1/11
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