Zeta Club
Glasgow University Medical School 1965 - 1971
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Linda Tennant


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Went to Germany after graduation and fulfilled my dream by training in general surgery, followed by paediatric and accident surgery.  Hit the glass ceiling in 1988 and opened a free (independent, not gratis) practice with bed privileges in a small hospital nearby.  Going with the flow, changed to family practice in 1992, doing day-surgery in a clinic in town.  With the collapse of the German health service in 2006, returned to N.E. England for four years, three of them in prison...SERVICE (always forget that word!)   Now working (their word for it) in a rehab. clinic for cardiology near the Moselle valley. Since my very first residency was in cardiology, the wheel has turned full cycle.
Personal Details
Married to Axel (third time lucky) for the past 10 years.  Two daughters : Lili, 28, PA to the director of a chemical firm, doing a uni course in business management on the side, and : Alma, 23, adopted from Brazil, fitness trainer, studying the economics of fitness club organisation, night porter on the side.

Still interested in music, more passive than active these days, and still collecting cats (five at the last count).

Reviving my classical studies and psychology, joined Mensa in 2007 to counteract the 60-year depression.  (Any other Mensan Zetans?)


(Is the blue hue due to the cold -Ed.)
Linda & Family
Submitted 20/2/11
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