Reunion news
The Reunion Team's plans are well ahead. See all the details here. And get your booking for the Hydro in ASAP!
While working on getting up to date details of "Zetans" in preparation for the reunion, Mike Law received this message about Colin Forrest (we have permission to share it):
"Dear Mike Law,
I am sending this email on behalf of my brother Colin Forrest.
Unfortunately Colin will not be able to attend any reunion. Colin has experienced ill health for the last 10 - 12 years. He is now confined to a hospital bed at home.
When the reunion occurs Colin would like to pass on his good wishes to everyone.
Regards, Gordon Forrest(Brother)"
We have also been informed of the loss of Leslie Braidwood and Rosemary Smith. If anyone has information, could you pass it on? Use the "CONTACT US" link.
Jocelyn has pointed out we have lost just over a quarter of our year. And that's just those we've heard about!
I remember a patient who said to me every time he came to see me, "Auld age isnae for wimps". Now I know what he meant!
"Dear Mike Law,
I am sending this email on behalf of my brother Colin Forrest.
Unfortunately Colin will not be able to attend any reunion. Colin has experienced ill health for the last 10 - 12 years. He is now confined to a hospital bed at home.
When the reunion occurs Colin would like to pass on his good wishes to everyone.
Regards, Gordon Forrest(Brother)"
We have also been informed of the loss of Leslie Braidwood and Rosemary Smith. If anyone has information, could you pass it on? Use the "CONTACT US" link.
Jocelyn has pointed out we have lost just over a quarter of our year. And that's just those we've heard about!
I remember a patient who said to me every time he came to see me, "Auld age isnae for wimps". Now I know what he meant!